Public Transport
- $20m Public Liability
- Anti-Graffiti
- Window Tinting
- Window Frosting
- Safety & Security Film (AS2208 Complaint)
- Clear Communication
- Bus
- Train
- Tram
- Cruise Ship
Whether it be public transport anti-graffiti film to protect the glass, or window tinting to increase passenger comfort; we’re here to make your life easier. At we take the time to streamline our processes, so that you can keep your vehicles moving.
Our process looks something like this:
- Site assessment for your vehicles; taking photos and measurements of every combination of windows.
- Document EVERYTHING // This makes things easy for your maintenance team to clearly advise us of works to be done.
- Receive purchase order from client including vehicle/body number, window numbers (as provided by us) and preferred date/time of installation.
- Confirm scheduled installation time.
- Pre-cut all our film
- Attend site and install film
We don’t want to waste your time (or ours) attempting to cut and trim film onsite and/or not having clear direction. Our system has proven almost flawless over years of fine tuning. And that’s what we offer to every client.
“Book a site assessment today”